Please take careful note: anyone in possession of cylinders dated 2016 and 2017 should contact the dealer immediately. Do not use anymore. Download the document or read it here.
February 2024
Whom may it concern
Recall cylinders 2016 and 2017
In 2018 we have made for safety reason a recall worldwide for the cylinders 2016-2017, which is still valid.
Even if high number has been collected and exchanged, there are still cylinders 2016-2017 circulating on the market and needs to be collected and removed from the market. For giving safety and benefit to shooters, we plan a special exchange initiative which will be taken care by Morini first or by your local dealer. The cylinders will be collected and replaced by Morini or local dealer.
The replacement will be done 1 to 1.
So please send to Morini directly or contact your local dealer.
If shooter refuses to exchange the cylinders, it does on it’s own risk and responsibility.
During the recall time people have also the possibility to bring their other cylinders and let them check irrespective to year of recall.
We are committed to betterment of shooting sports and wish all shooters get the benefit from this recall.